JHSS Attendance


Students are expected to attend all assigned classes punctually.   A parent/guardian must validate all absences for students under the age of 18.

Reporting Absences: By Phone or By Email

To report an absence by telephone, please call the attendance line below. If your call is directed to voicemail please include your name, the student’s name, and the reason for absence.

  • Call  519-658-4910, Press 1, 
  • If more convenient, please e-mail our attendance desk at:  jhs-attendance@wrdsb.ca
  • Alternatively, send in a note with the student to be dropped off at the Attendance Office upon arrival at school.

When e-mailing, please include the student’s name in the subject line.  In the message area, please note the date and reason for the absence.

Excused Absences

Students who need to be excused during the school day must sign out at the Attendance Office.  A note or a phone call from a parent/guardian must accompany this request.  An “unapproved” absence for any assigned class will generate an automated phone call from the school.

Late Arrival

  • In the first 10 minutes, go directly to class.  Your late arrival will be recorded by your teacher and reported to the office.
  • If you are late more than 10 minutes from the start of class, report to the Attendance office.
  • Frequent late arrivals may be referred to a Vice Principal.

Extended Absences

Absences due to illness may require medical verification.

If parent/guardian approves withdrawing their student for 6 days or more, up to a total of 15 consecutive days, an  FS-23-TW – 6-15 day Temp Withdrawal Form  is to be completed.  Once complete and the student has advised their teachers (please see the back of the form), the form should be brought to the appropriate Vice Principal prior to departure.

The school is not responsible for providing alternative programming.

Adult Students

Under the Age of Majority and Education Acts, adult status means any person who attains 18 years of age.

Students who are 18 years of age may pick up an Adult Student Status form at the Attendance Office. When the form is completed and returned to the school the student may provide their own information concerning absences.


When possible, please book appointments (i.e. dentist, doctor) outside of school hours.