We know our community wants to help to make our schools equitable and welcoming spaces for all our students. We have heard from you that this includes working to provide high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter units in as many spaces as possible.

With this in mind, the Waterloo Education Foundation Inc. (WEFI) is excited to announce the HEPA Filter Fund. Donations will be collected centrally, and in coordination with the Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB), filter units will be installed in priority areas as determined by Facility Services.

We want to help build on the strong foundation already established by the WRDSB. Currently, all 303 full-day Kindergarten classrooms and all 93 Alternative Continuum of Education (ACE) classrooms have been equipped with a portable HEPA filtration unit in addition to another 668 units deployed to other classrooms/school spaces based on requirements.

Donations are eligible for a charitable tax receipt through CanadaHelps, the WEFI donation portal.

Why Support the Purchase of HEPA Filter Units?

WEFI’s goal with this fundraising campaign is to provide additional portable HEPA filtration devices for the WRDSB, as well as create an endowment fund for future devices.

Our Goal – $18,000

The total cost of a unit and its first year of operation is $900.00 (figure provided by WRDSB). If we reach our fundraising goal, we will be able to support 20 HEPA filtration devices.

How You Can Help

Supporting the WEFI to provide additional HEPA air filter units for the WRDSB is easy – follow these steps:

How To Direct Your Donation To The HEPA Filter Fund

  1. Head over to the WEFI HEPA Filter Fund page
  2. Enter your donation information on the right-hand side of the page
  3. Click “Continue With Donation”
  4. Fill in the rest of your information to complete your donation

WEFI Helps, and You Can Too

You can help make a difference for our students by making a donation to WEFI. A small donation can have a notable impact – whether it’s helping to make sure a child is fed before they start their day of learning, or providing the opportunity for a student to experience extracurricular activities.

About the Waterloo Education Foundation Inc. (WEFI)

The Waterloo Education Foundation Inc. (WEFI) is a registered charitable foundation, which operates through the Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) and is managed by a Board of Directors.

Learn more about WEFI

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