January 29th, 2025
Today, Wednesday, January 29, 2025, was declared a severe weather day. This led to the cancellation of all school transportation in:
- Wellesley
- Wilmot
- Woolwich
This is the second severe weather day declared this week. We want to provide an update to help clarify how these severe weather days impact the next week for secondary students.
Exams for Secondary Students
As a result, any exams scheduled to take place today were postponed to the next exam day. This means that Tuesday, February 4 will become the fourth exam day.
January 31 Professional Development (PD) Day for Secondary Students
The professional development day scheduled for January 31 for secondary students will not be moved or changed. On Friday:
- Secondary Students (Grades 9 to 12) will not attend school, in person or virtually
- Elementary Students (Kindergarten to Grade 8) will attend school on their regular schedule
- All Board-operated Extended Day Programs will operate at their regular hours
The Start of Second Semester Classes for Secondary Students
As a result of the postponed exam days, the first day of second semester classes for Grade 9 to 12 students will now be on Wednesday, February 5, 2025.
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