We are proud to offer an outstanding science program for our JHSS students.  Our experienced teaching team works together to ensure that our graduating students are very well prepared for their next steps in life whether at university, college, or the workplace.

We believe that science understanding and literacy are key for all students to equip them to work in and think critically about our information-saturated, technological world.

Part of a great science education is hands-on rich learning activities through labs, demonstrations, projects, field trips, guest speakers, and more.  Our junior-level courses provide all students with opportunities to engage in science learning and our senior students are challenged and prepared at the highest level.

If you are wondering if JHSS can provide you with the science education you need, please contact us and ask…we are happy to tell you all about our offerings.


Science Dept. Teachers

  • Mr. C Bausmer (Department Head)
  • Ms. A. Bell
  • Ms. L. Kokavec
  • Mr. A. MacDougall
  • Ms. S. Sidhu
  • Mr. S. Volante
  • Ms. M. Winter
  • Mr. M. Hurl


Our Courses

Grade 9 SNC 1WI De-streamed grade nine science
SNC 1LI Grade 9 Fast Forward science
Grade 10 SNC 2DI Grade 10 Academic science requires successful completion of SNC 1WI
SNC 2LI Grade 10 Fast Forward science requires successful completion of SNC 1LI
Grade 11 SBI 3CI Grade 11 College biology requires successful completion of SNC 2DI
SBI 3UI Grade 11 University biology requires successful completion of SNC 2DI
SCH 3UI Grade 11 University chemistry requires successful completion of SNC 2DI
SPH 3UI Grade 11 University physics requires successful completion of SNC 2DI
Grade 12 SBI 4UI Grade 12 University biology requires successful completion of SBI 3UI
SCH 4CI Grade 12 College chemistry requires successful completion of SNC 2DI
SCH 4UI Grade 12 University chemistry requires successful completion of SCH 3UI
SES 4UI Grade 12 Earth and space science requires successful completion of SNC 2DI
SPH 4CI Grade 12 College physics requires successful completion of SNC 2DI
SPH 4UI Grade 12 University physics requires successful completion of SPH 3UI


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