Jacob Hespeler Secondary School Math Pathways

Click on any course code below for the description and more detailed information.

Grade 9

All Gr. 9 students take Destreamed Math (MTH1WI) (with the exception of students in the Fast Forward program).

Grade 10

All Gr. 10 students take Single Streamed Academic Math (MPM2DI) (with the exception of students in the Fast Forward program).

Grade 11

In Gr. 11, students have several choices.  Typically a choice is determined by his/her/their post-secondary education plan; however, their level of success in Grade 10 Math may also be a factor in their decision.

  • MCR3UI is chosen by students who require at least Grade 12 Advanced Functions (MHF4UI) for their post-secondary program and/or have performed very well in Grade 10 Math
  • MCF3MI is chosen by students who require Grade 12 College Technology (MCT4CI) or Grade 12 Data Management (MDM4UI) for their post-secondary program and/or have performed moderately well in Grade 10 Math
  • MBF3CI is chosen by students who require Grade 12 College Foundations (MAP4CI) for their post-secondary program and/or have found Grade 10 Math challenging
  • MEL3EI is chosen by students who do not require any math for their post-secondary program and found Grade 9 & 10 Math quite challenging

Grade 12

In Gr. 12, students have several more choices.  Typically a choice is determined by his/her/their post-secondary education plan; however, their level of success in Grade 11 Math may also be a factor in their decision.

  • MHF4UI is Grade 12 Advanced Functions and is the prerequisite for Grade 12 Calculus & Vectors (MCV4UI).  Many university programs require at least this course and some (such as Engineering, Computer Science, & Mathematics) will also require MCV4UI
  • MDM4UI is Grade 12 Data Management and may be required for certain university programs
  • MCT4CI is Grade 12 College Technology and is frequently required for many college programs
  • MAP4CI is Grade 12 College Foundations and might be required for some college programs
  • MEL4EI is Grade 12 Workplace Math and is chosen by students who do not require any math for their post-secondary program

Fast Forward Program

These courses are for students who are performing well below grade level and will be recommended by your Elementary teacher.  Please contact our Guidance office for more information.