Our Guide for the Winter Season

During severe weather conditions, we may need to cancel buses or close schools for the safety of our students and staff. Student Transportation Services of Waterloo Region (STSWR) monitors the road and weather conditions early in the morning. We try to make any cancellation decisions by 6 a.m. in consultation with STSWR and Waterloo Catholic District School […]

Dates to Remember 2019/2020 Semester 1

December 23 to  January 5 – Holidays January 6, Monday – 1st day of school after Holidays January 24 to 30 – Semester 1 EXAMS – Students will not be excused for vacation during exam periods January 31 – PD Day

JHSS Spirit Wear Available Online

Our spirit wear store is up and running, great early Hawk Holiday gift shopping!  The store is open until Nov. 28! New items are available including the EXCLUSIVE JHSS TOUQUE!    https://go.ordermygear.com/jhss/

GRT Promotion – FREE $25 EasyGo Fare Card ends on Dec. 31/2019

Students have until December 31, 2019 to take advantage of this promotion. More information can be found here: www.grt.ca/cambridgehs New! Online Request Option for Parents and Students Parents and students can now request a card by completing the online consent form available here: www.grt.ca/cambridgehs  The card, loaded with $25, will be sent directly to your high school for […]

November 11: All evening rental permits are cancelled

Due to the current weather information and anticipated forecast, all evening rental permits have been cancelled. Please check with your event organizer or coach to see if your event, meeting, or game will be rescheduled at a later date.

WCSSAA Competitions scheduled for this afternoon/evening are cancelled – Nov. 11

Due to the Winter Weather Travel Advisory issued by Environment Canada currently in effect for this afternoon and evening in the Waterloo Region, all WCSSAA Competitions scheduled for this afternoon and evening are cancelled. This includes playoff and championship events. Information regarding rescheduling will be provided as soon as possible. Schools should begin to plan for playoff […]

JHSS Inside Ride Event Cancer Fundraiser – Thursday November 21

Hello staff, students and parents: Our Inside Ride is a fundraiser where students can come together to raise awareness for staff and students both past and present who are battling cancer.  We are asking for $5 from each student who sign up.  All proceeds are being donated to cancer research.   Thank you for your time…

JHSS PD Day Agenda – Friday, Nov. 15

Stall will be engaged in whole school activities reflecting on our Strategic Plan and Operational Goals for Student Achievement and Well-Being. NOV 15 2019 PD Day Agenda

Friday, November 15, 2019 is a PD Day – no school for students

Friday, November 15, 2019 is a professional development (PD) day for elementary and secondary school staff. Students will not attend school, but all board operated Extended Day and Youth Development programs will operate for enrolled students from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. The focus for staff on the PD Day will be on School Improvement […]

Please refrain using Peanut Butter Substitutions in your child’s lunches or snacks.

Dear Families and Caregivers,  Re: Peanut butter substitutions          There are students and staff within our school that suffer from extreme allergies, and we need to ensure the safety of these individuals. The safety and health of our students and staff is our first priority, which is why our schools have procedures in […]

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