Hello JHSS parents and guardians,

As we approach the beginning of the school year, we are very excited to welcome our students back!

A number of procedures will be released in the next few weeks.

Please be aware that current information in MyWay may not be up-to-date and likely won’t reflect your actual schedule for September.  Students are advised to not check MyWay until after the resumption of classes.


If you missed the deadline to declare intentions for in-person or online attendance in the fall, please contact our main office for assistance – via email at jhs@wrdsb.ca no later than August 19th.

Our office staff/VPs will be reaching out to families who did not complete this survey to help ensure we have accurate information for the startup and can organize our classes accordingly.  Families can also contact their alpha VP (by student last name) for assistance with the survey/info – please include the full name of the student in your email to help with the process:

A-K (debra_derman@wrdsb.ca)

L-Z (robert_dickson@wrdsb.ca)


All course change requests submitted online between March break and the end of last semester are still on hold and will be processed in the order received. Once we have finalized timetables, organized cohort groups and fixed any conflicts/issues, we hope to accommodate these requests where possible, but this may take some time.

No further course change requests are being accepted at this time.  Guidance will be working closely with JHSS admin to determine how to move forward with any late requests for changes after startup.  These will almost certainly be limited by our quadmester schedule and cohort groups.


The WRDSB is still working on the process to register students for Distance Learning classes this fall.  We don’t yet know if course sign-ups and/or any change requests will be handled centrally at the board or via the JHSS guidance staff.  We are also waiting on details about how to handle any changes in plans (moving from distance learning to in-person, or vice versa).


The high school environment will look quite different than what you’ve been used to, but it’s all in the name of safety!  There will be clear policies in place for entering/exiting the school and movement around the building (one-way halls, staggered bell times, arrows/signage).  More details will be released closer to the opening day.

The JHSS bell times are:


8:05 – 9:35 Learning Course 1/2 Block

9:35 – 10:20 Nutrition Break

10:20 – 11:05 Course 1/2 Learning Block

11:50 – 12:35 Teacher/Student Blended Learning

12:35 Student Dismissal 

12:35 – 2:15  Teacher Lunch/Preparation

Student Distance Learning


If you left items in your locker last year and haven’t retrieved belongings, please contact the JHSS main office in late August.


The WRDSB has and will continue to work with the local Public Health unit regarding new information but at the start of the school year, there will be no school teams or clubs running.  We will share further details when we know more.