Dear Parents/Guardians of students in Grade 9 Classes:

Welcome to the 2020-2021 school year!  Every student in a grade 9 class in the WRDSB receives a Chromebook for school use.

What is a Chromebook?

A Chromebook is a mobile computer that runs on Google’s Chrome Operating System. These machines are designed to be used primarily while connected to the internet. They are optimized to allow the use of Google applications (i.e. Google Drive, Calendar, Gmail, Google Classroom, etc.).

WRDSB students already have G Suite accounts provided to them by the Board which they will be able to use on their Chromebooks.

When will students be receiving their Chromebook?

Gr. 9 Jacob Hespeler students may pick up their Chromebook on Friday, August 28 from 10:00am to 1:00pm in the JHSS Front Foyer (up the long walkway off Holiday Inn Dr.).  

Please bring the completed Agreement form to receive your Chromebook.  Please follow all health & safety precautions including wearing a face mask when you arrive at the school.

2020 WRDSB 1_1 Chromebook – Letter, Instructions & Contract

If you are unable to pick up your Chromebook on August 28, please return the Agreement form to your homeroom teacher on your first day of class to receive your Chromebook.

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