Hello Hawks!

As we prepare for our Grad Celebration event on Wednesday, June 23 we have some information for you to review. It is important to remember that we are bound by the restrictions put in place by the Region of Waterloo Public Health as we continue to protect ourselves and our community against Covid 19. 

Please ensure that you have reserved a pick up time using the google form on School Day.  This is the form that we will use for pick up and for contact tracing purposes.

All members of your party are required to complete the Ministry School Screening prior to attending.

  • Please view the site plan for pick up on the map below. Note that the normal entrance on the east side of the school will be used as an EXIT ONLY for this event. Please only enter through the center or west driveway. 

JHSS parking lot map

There will be TWO pick up stations. One will be located in front of the language hall doors on the west side of the school. The other will be located in front of the science entry doors on the east side of the school. You will be directed to one of the stations by a staff member. Two vehicles will be permitted into the grad area at a time (one at each station – please do not bring multiple vehicles in your party). Vehicles will be asked to queue until a station is free.

When you arrive at a station, you will be given a grad package by another staff member. Your package includes a graduation cap and gown, JHSS grad book, memento, and information about diploma pick up to occur at a later date. Your name will need to be checked off our master list to confirm you received your package and for contact tracing purposes.

Once you receive your package you are invited to don your cap and gown and pose for a photo in front of the fabulous grad backdrop. Please note that public health provisions prohibit staff from handling personal devices such as cameras/cell phones, as such we can not take any photos at the event. Your party members are invited to take photos.

Once you have taken your photo, you and your party are asked to return to your vehicle and exit the parking as per the map. 

Any grads who are coming by foot are asked to please enter safely using the sidewalk while maintaining a six foot distance from others and let the parking attendant know that you have arrived so that you may be given the direction to approach the table. 

We look forward to celebrating with you!


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