Dear Jacob Hespeler Secondary School families,

As you are aware, our school experienced flooding in a number of classrooms, which Facility Services and contractors have been working to address since Saturday. Unfortunately, as their work continues, our school will be required to remain closed tomorrow, Tuesday, February 7. Students will learn from home asynchronously on Tuesday.

Staff will continue to evaluate the situation and will provide updates as they become available with the goal of opening the school safely and as quickly as possible.

Semester 2 will begin on Tuesday as teachers have invited students to their Semester 2 virtual classrooms and asynchronous material will be provided for each course and teachers will be available to students through email during the regular school day hours. Students are invited to participate as they are able. 

Additional online resources will also be available via WRDSB@Home.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Brenda Cathcart


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